10 Summer Projects for Musicians

ten summer project ideas

In academia, whether you’re a student, staff, or faculty member, many of us yearn for the summer. It always seems so far away and we’re so excited to finally have a break from writing or grading papers, rigorously practicing for scale exams, juries, and other final performances, and working on other school-related assignments. Then summer hits and we are….…

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On the Importance of Rest

relaxing coffee shop

Did you get adequate rest in 2022? And I’m not referring to “rest” as in sleeping, but “rest” as in intentionally taking the time to relax, refresh, and regain strength, health, and energy. Were your days last semester spent drowning in homework and practicing from sunrise to sunset? Did you feel like you could never catch…

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5 Ways to Generate More Opportunities as a Musician

doorways of opportunity

In the summer of 2021, I knew I wanted to continue to build my C.V., but my schedule was a bit weird and I was about to move across the country. The pandemic prevented many festivals and conferences from happening in person (and I procrastinated too long to have auditioned for the few in-person festivals),…

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